
Ramadhan DO's and DONT's

► Ramadhan is a month in which God multiplies our good deeds, forgives us and blesses us! It is not just a matter of staying without food for certain duration, but it is to refrain from doing all that The Almighty ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’aLa) doesn't like!

•● “O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint,” [ –___[Quran 2:183]___- ]

► This month is VERY precious for us Muslims; we cannot afford to waste a single minute.

•● Narrated Abu Huraira(r.a): The Prophet said:"... whoever fasts during Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven." (Sahih Al-Bukhari).

•● "Fasting is a shield with which a servant protects himself from the Fire." [Ahmad, Saheeh]

► When it comes to Thawab, it's said that God will multiply our deeds by 70! So we should do as many deeds as possible and not waste a single minute this month!

•● Allah's Apostle said, "When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained." [Bukhari]

Here are a few Do's and Don'ts, of which some you may not know and some that you may but shaytaan our ultimate enemy has made you forget!

˙·٠•●♥ DO’s:

● Pray 5 times a day with understanding its importance and realizing that it is God you are standing in front of!
● A Muslim should lower his/her gaze at all times
● Read Quran or books about IsLam. . .
● Observe nature and say Subhaan ALLah! (All praise to Allah)
Each flower/tree or leaf that you look at and praise Allah (say SubhanaAllah) on the Day of Judgment that flower/tree or leaf will speak in your favor and say this human looked at me and praised You!
● Listen to Dars e Quran,
● Listen to the Recitation of Quran
● Naats
● CD's of Islamic lectures etc
● TaLk about IsLam, The Greatness of ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’aLa), aLways say Laa iLaaHa iL-Laa ALLAH Muhammad (SaLLaLLahu ‘aLaiHi wasSaLLam) ar RasuLuLLah.

It is obligatory on us to spread the word of Allah, as we are the Ummah of the last Prophet (SaLLaLLahu ‘aLaiHi wasSaLLam).

● Be VERY careful how you use your tongue, hurting someone with your words, is DEEPER and STRONGER than physical pain..
● Moisten your tongue by the Remembrance of ALLAH (DhikruLLah): Whenever you’re not talking do Dhikr!
● Also give sadaqah which can benefit you each time someone uses it (For example gift someone a Quran with translation, so that whenever anyone reads it-you get the sawab!)
● Give Sadaqah (Voluntary Charity) because in the month of Ramadhan that gets further multiplied by 70!. Allah gives all the wealth we have and from the very wealth He has given us. He doesn't say give some of it back to Me!
● Dissolve Grudges against a friend or a person: In Islam all Muslims are brothers and a Muslim is not allowed to refrain talking to his brother for more than 3 days!
● Be GOOD to your parents.
● Always Say Assalam Alaikum before starting a conversation.
● Visit the sick.
● Follow the sunnah (sit and drink water, wash your hands before eating etc).
● Go to the poor and talk to them, ask their problems and help them out in any way that you can.
● Give whatever you can even if it is just a date for a fasting person.
“The Prophet said: He who gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will receive the same reward as him, except that nothing will be reduced from the fasting persons reward." [Ahmad, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Hibbaan, Saheeh].
● Istighfar (Seeking Forgiveness): God becomes extra forgiving this month.

This is the time to firstly REALIZE our sins and cry to God for forgiveness.

So increase during this month of four qualities: two with which you shall please your Lord, and two which you cannot do without. The two that shall please Allah are the repetition of “La Illaha iLLa Allah and Istighfaar (asking forgiveness), and the two qualities you cannot do without are asking Allah to be allowed into Paradise and taking refuge in Him from Hell" [Taken from the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam's) khutbah on the last day of Sha'baan]

The fire in the hell has been burning for hundreds of years; it is so hot that a person can feel its heat from miles away.
But it is said that if one tear (the size of a bees head) rolls down your cheek in repentance and grief of your sins, that tiny tear has the power to extinguish the entire hell fire!

٠•● "Then which of the favors of your Lord will ye deny?" - [Quran 55:13]

˙·٠•●♥ DON'Ts !!!:

● DON’T MISS YOUR PRAYERS! – Saum without performing SaLaat is incomplete!

● Don’t COMMIT eye contact with non-mahrams: it’s NOT allowed!
● Don’t STARE at the pictures in newspapers/magazines
● Don’t TURN ON YOUR TV - we stare at the TV without realizing that we are being sinful for every non-mahram that comes on the screen. And TV diverts our minds, we are absorbed in TV so that we are even not doing IBADAH.
● DON’T Read romantic pocketbooks, etc. (Except Qur’an & other books reLated to IsLam!) – the contents of these kinds of books can rouse desires. .
Don’t: Listen to Music or restrain yourselves to listen from it.
● Don’t Backbite! - Back biting is considered more sinful and worse than Adultery!!!
● Don’t Talk to non-Mehrams (unless if it is very important), it’s NOT allowed.
● Don’t Use Abusive language - when you abuse someone it doesn't harm him, it just adds to your sins!
God hates people who abuse, so don't use it even if you don't mean it!
● Get into fights, stay away and if you get into one and lose your temper, practice patience (sabr) and walk away. People will probably think you're a coward, but God thinks you're a lion!
● Don't go around shaking hands with non-Mahrams! (For God's sake)
● Don't Waste Time - Try and cash every moment by doing Dhikr.


____Allah has made this month specially to forgive us!
____He knows we are sinful but,
____God’s love is much more than the love which our mothers can give us.
____He loves us very much and says “Ask Me for forgiveness so that I may forgive you”.
____We cannot afford to miss this opportunity, you never know what if
(God forbid) there is no next Ramdhan for you!!!

••••► So my Brothers and Sisters in Islam, Lets get prepared! May Allah make easy for us to do the Saum! Ameen ♥ =)

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